Continuing Education
Distance Learning Programme:
Financial Engineering
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The postgraduate distance learning programme provides you with the mathematical foundation and key concepts of modern financial mathematics. The main areas of financial mathematics are covered, background knowledge in economics, actuarial mathematics and in computational methods will be acquired. Implementation, current research issues and ethical aspects are addressed. Students acquire skills relevant for the finance and insurance sector which can be linked to their studies and work experience.
The Master‘s programme is intended for persons who are interested in acquiring a deep understanding of financial mathematics and are seeking a career in the areas of finance or insurance, in practice or research. The programme aims at graduates of mathematics or of programmes with relevant mathematical modules.
A certificate as an alternative?
You like the content but are not interested in obtaining another academic degree at the moment?
You can find detailed information on our certificate programme Applied Financial Mathematics here (standard period of study: 2 semesters).
Access with a university degree
Application period:
mid-May to 15 August
The application is open to persons with a first university degree of at least six semesters qualifying for a profession in any field and at least one year of relevant and qualified professional experience in the field of finance or insurance or in a mathematically oriented profession afterwards.
Access without a university degree
Application period for the aptitude test:
mid-November of the previous year to 31 January
Interested persons without a first university degree qualifying for a profession, but with a university entrance qualification (e.g. Allgemeine Hochschulreife or Meisterprüfung) as well as relevant and qualified professional experience of at least three years, have the opportunity to qualify for the degree programme by passing an aptitude test. In addition, evidence of at least one year of relevant and qualified professional experience in the field of finance or insurance or in a mathematically oriented profession must be provided.
Admission to the distance learning programme is regulated through a special evaluation points system. The required prior knowledge of analysis and stochastics can also be acquired in additional in-house courses which may have to be taken to fulfil requirements. Until then, admission is subject to conditions.
Tuition fees and Master's thesis fee
If you do not complete your studies within the standard period of study of 6 semesters, you have the option of extending your studies. In this case, the tuition fee is waived in the 7th semester. From the 8th semester onwards, you pay a reduced tuition fee of 30%; this does not apply to the Master's thesis fee. You may apply to pay the tuition fees in instalments. The fees are exempted from German VAT and may be tax-deductible if the legal requirements are fulfilled.
Study materials and on-campus phases
The study materials are included in the fees. The fees do not include travel and accommodation expenses or meal allowances during the on-campus phases.
Subject to change
"Advanced knowledge of the fundamental theory of financial mathematics, in discrete time as well as in continuous time, and the ability to put that expertise into practice, coupled with an understanding of key concepts in related areas as actuarial mathematics, is more important than ever to understand the increasingly complex financial market.
Competition for the best jobs in the finance and insurance industry is also set to intensify and acquiring that expertise significantly improves your chances of moving into this field or furthering your career in finance or insurance.
If you are looking to gain a deep understanding of financial mathematics and progress in your career by achieving a (further) Master’s degree, this degree programme might be just what you need."

Dr. Réka Vágvölgyi
Programme Management
+49 631 205-5367

Elke Bökenbrink
Administration Office
+49 631 205-5943