Lets go!









You are not a first-semester student?

This way to the online campus


Well-Organized Through your Distance Learning Studies


Here we provide you with the most important information for an optimal start to your studies. You will find everything else later, primarily through the online campus.
With the RPTU account and e-mail inbox, the online campus, as well as the study and exam administration, you will be well-organized throughout your entire studies. 
A step-by-step guide on their use can be found in the next section.

RPTU Account and E-mail Inbox


Every distance learning student receives an RPTU account at the start of their studies. The RPTU account is a personal user profile which you will need especially for logging into the online campus.

An e-mail inbox is created with each RPTU account. You must regularly check this inbox, as important study and exam-related information – such as deadlines for exam retakes and registrations, approvals for requested leave semesters, and information on re-registration for the next semester – will be sent exclusively to this email address.


Online Campus


The online campus on the OpenOLAT learning platform will accompany you throughout your entire studies.
In your (cohort) course on the online campus,

> you will receive all relevant information about procedures, dates for (online) on-campus sessions, performance requirements, contact persons, etc. 

> you will find study materials – mostly available for download. 

> you will be able to register for (online) on-campus sessions and (online) exams, download assignments, and submit completed work.

> you will have the possibility to use the "Exchange and Communication" section, for example, to organize study or carpool groups.


Study and Examination Administration


In addition to the online campus, the QIS self-service function will be available and it offers the following online services:

> Study Administration (Study Fees Account):
Checking paid/outstanding study fees, printing study certificates (e.g., enrolment certificate)

> Examination Administration:
Information about registered examination performances, display and print grade transcripts

How to Start Step by Step


In 5 consecutive steps, you will set up your RPTU account, the online campus, and the study and exam administration.

You will receive all the information for accepting your study place and enrolling in your programme in your admission letter. You can access the admission letter through the application portal.

Starting in mid/late September, you will receive your enrolment documents by mail. These documents will include, among other things, your matriculation number. Additionally, you will receive your initial password separately by mail around the same time. You will need this password to activate your RPTU account (see Step 3) and to register in the QIS study and exam administration system (see Step 5).

All students enrolled at RPTU receive an RPTU account from the Regional University Computer Center Kaiserslautern-Landau (RHRZ). After receiving your enrolment documents and initial password (see Step 2), you can activate your RPTU account. To activate your RPTU Campus KL account, you will need

- your matriculation number and'
- initial password.

You can activate your account here.

For the online campus (OpenOLAT), you must register using your RPTU account ("Login with university account"). To then enrol in your (cohort) course, you will need an access code. You will receive this code via e-mail in time for the start of your studies. Simply follow the initial steps in OpenOLAT.

Once you have completed your registration and course enrolment in the online campus, you will be manually granted access to the first semester area of your (cohort) course. This access will be granted after the tuition fees have been paid, typically no earlier than October 1st and no later than the start of the semester (second half of October).

To use QIS, you must

> install a VPN client provided by RPTU and then

register in QIS using your matriculation number (= username) and initial password (see Step 2).

Tuition Fees
  • Instalment Payments: It is generally possible to pay tuition fees in instalments upon timely request. Further information on this can be found here.
  • Employer Payment: In exceptional cases, invoices for tuition fees can be issued in the name of the employer upon request on a semester basis. Please contact your programme team for this purpose.

Launch Event

At the beginning of your studies, we welcome you to a launch event, which, depending on your programme, takes place either on-site in Kaiserslautern or online. During this event you will get to know us and your fellow students. Further details about your programme's launch event will be provided separately by your programme team. We look forward to meeting you! 


















©Matthias Kehrer/Fotowerkstatt KL

Ideal Support during Distance Learning


Do you have any further questions? Please feel free to contact us!

For general programme-related questions,
please contact your programme team at the Distance and Independent Studies Center.


For specific questions relating to study and examination regulations,
please contact the Distance Studies Affairs Department


Links for further information