Continuing Education
Distance Learning Programme:
Quantum Technologies




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Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Artur Widera, RPTU

Responsible department of RPTU: Physics

The conceptualisation, development and evaluation of the course content was funded as part of the BMBF-funded QuanTUK project.


Podcast interview with Prof. Dr. Artur Widera,

the scientific director of the distance learning programme


Check it out now!

Find out more

The postgraduate distance learning programme provides you with comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge of Quantum Technologies on an academic level. The interdisciplinary degree programme combines content from physics, mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, and information technology relevant to quantum technologies. It is explicitly dedicated to the fields of quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum simulation.

The Master‘s programme targets on the one hand persons who are already active in the field of quantum technologies, who are involved in their development and application, and who want to deepen their knowledge of quantum technologies through a solid foundation of techniques and methods on a scientific basis. On the other hand, it also targets persons who are currently not working on quantum technologies, but for whom quantum technologies would play a role in their future career.

The part-time degree programme qualifies you on a scientific basis for taking on responsible practical and scientific activities.

Basic information

Master of Science (M.Sc.)


Akkreditierungsrat (Accreditation Council)


6 semesters (part-time)

winter semester (October)

*It is also possible to do coursework and write examinations in German.

Ø 14 hours/week

in total 5, usually Friday to Sunday


Overview of the degree programme

1. Semester


Introduction to the concept of quantum bits (qubits) and selected pillars of quantum technologies, development of basic mathematical concepts related to quantum technologies, as well as an experimental laboratory course


2. Semester


Introduction to Quantum Optics and the realisation of qubits, as well as the elaboration of physical and technical basics of quantum technologies supplemented by a numerical practical course

3. Semester


In-depth study by choosing two major subjects from the areas of Quantum Communication, Quantum Computing, Quantum Sensing, and Quantum Simulation, as well as an advanced experimental laboratory course

4. Semester


Part 2 of the chosen major subjects for the specialisation and an advanced numerical practical course


5. Semester


Two supplementary minor subjects in Quantum Communication, Quantum Computing, Quantum Sensing, and Quantum Simulation, as well as an experimental laboratory course


6. Semester


                                          Master’s thesis                                     

Major and minor subjects

The advanced study programme is divided into major subjects, which fall on the third and fourth semesters, and minor subjects, which fall on the fifth semester. The major and minor subjects are assigned to the four subject areas Quantum Communication, Quantum Computing, Quantum Sensing and Quantum Simulation. The choice of two major subjects of the specialisation study simultaneously determines the two minor subjects to be completed in the specialisation study, which must be assigned to the two subject areas not covered by major subjects.

You can find detailed information on the programme content as well as the coursework and examinations in the

module handbook

Customised to your needs


We provide you with comprehensive, scientifically sound and practice-oriented self-study materials that have been developed by experts especially for distance learning.


Our online campus is your interactive learning platform. You will also be able to stay in touch with us and your fellow students at all times.


This is where you consolidate the knowledge you have acquired through self-study in theory and practice. All dates will be announced well in advance.

Your qualifications for the degree programme

Access with a university degree

Application period:
mid-May to 15 July

The application is open to persons with a first university degree of at least six semesters qualifying for a profession in physics, informatics, mathematics, in a natural science or engineering degree programme or in a physics close degree programme and at least one year of relevant and qualified professional experience in the field of quantum technologies or the underlying technologies afterwards.

Access without a university degree

Application period for the aptitude test:
mid-November of the previous year to 31 January

Interested persons without a first university degree qualifying for a profession, but with a university entrance qualification (e.g. Allgemeine Hochschulreife or Meisterprüfung) as well as relevant and qualified professional experience of at least three years, have the opportunity to qualify for the degree programme by passing an aptitude test. In addition, evidence of at least one year of relevant and qualified professional experience in the field of quantum technologies or the underlying technologies must be provided.

For detailed and legally binding information on the admission requirements, please refer to the

examination regulations


currently EUR 1,990/semester
(including the Master's thesis fee)

currently EUR 124/semester

Tuition fees
If you do not complete your studies within the standard period of study of 6 semesters, you have the option of extending your studies. In this case, the tuition fee is waived in the 7th semester. From the 8th semester onwards, you pay a reduced tuition fee of 30%. You may apply to pay the tuition fees in instalments. The fees are exempted from German VAT and may be tax-deductible if the legal requirements are fulfilled.

Study materials and on-campus phases
The study materials are included in the fees in digital and/or printed form. The fees do not include travel and accommodation expenses or meal allowances during the on-campus phases.

Subject to change

You can find detailed information on the tuition fees in the

tuition fee regulations

Information material

Programme information

Do you have any further questions?

Please feel free to contact us!

Anja Steinbach, M.Sc.
+49 631 205-5350

Lara Weishaar
Administration Office
+49 631 205-4018

Links for further information