
Distance learning graduates awarded for Master’s theses

RPTU’s distance learning graduates Ricarda Schüssler and Christoph Münch were awarded second place at the "Tag des Systems Engineering "(Systems Engineering Day) and third place at the "Dietmar-Hosser-Preis" (Dietmar Hosser Prize) respectively for their Master's theses.

Ricarda Schüssler works as an application engineer in engine control unit development. She is a graduate of the distance learning programme "Software Engineering for Embedded Systems", in which she wrote her Master's thesis with the title "Approaching Smart Interface Specifications in the Systems of Systems Context". In her thesis, she discusses current developments and best practices for interface specifications in the context of systems engineering and SoS engineering.

Ricarda Schüssler's Master's thesis was awarded a second place at the "Systems Engineering Days". This not only makes the distance learning student very proud, but also the distance learning team at RPTU, since such awards also show the quality of the work performed. "The distance learning programme was a real enrichment for me, both with regard to content and personally! I was able to transfer the wide-ranging and diverse content to my daily work to a large extent and I was also able to gain revealing insights beyond my own horizons. Additionally, the independence of location and time make the programme an experience I wouldn't want to miss!", emphasized Ricarda Schüssler.

Christoph Münch was also awarded for his Master's degree in the distance learning programme "Brandschutzplanung (Fire Protection Planning)". He works as a specialist advisor for fire and disaster prevention for the regional administration of Upper Bavaria. His Master's thesis with the title " Bewertungsverfahren zur Festlegung der Größe von Nutzungseinheiten (Assessment procedure for determining the size of utilisation units)" was awarded a third place of the "Dietmar Hosser Prize" for the promotion of young fire protection engineers by the Fire Protection Department of the Institute for Building Materials, Solid Construction and Fire Protection (iBMB) at Technische Universität Braunschweig.

"I was personally very interested in my Master's thesis topic, as I was able to link my  knowledge in fire fighting well with the content of my degree programme. Moreover, the topic also has great practical significance. In my daily work, I see that building law requirements are often interpreted and construed in interesting ways. Quantitative assessment methods would therefore be helpful to enable a more objective assessment," said Christoph Münch.

The distance learning team at RPTU congratulates both prize winners on their successes!